Women, Peace, Security Agenda (UNSCR 1325)

AWIF Women, Peace and Security Agenda applies to humanity as a whole. This strategy create space to engage women from all walks of life, including at the UN country representatives, governments and civil society, to explore what they are doing to move the Women, Peace, and Security agenda forward. In doing so, the forum aims to include young people on board to accelerate action for change.

Violence against women and peace building are priority areas of work for AWIF Their first step is to reflect on a conceptualization of violence from the perspective of Indigenous women, to describe its recurrent manifestations, identify good practices and develop guidelines for action for its prevention and elimination Address violence against women (VAW).

  • Capacitate and train women organisations and young women on policies, legislations and acts developed to address violence against women and girls
  • Increasing women's leadership role in security institutions and participation in peacekeeping activities
  • Capacitate and train women's organisations and young women on policies, legislation and actions developed to address VAW
  • Raising the participant’s awareness of the impact that multidimensional peacekeeping operations
  • Increasing women's leadership role in security institutions and participation in peacekeeping activities